Perfume is a part of beauty treatment and will enhance makeup , hair and most importantly one’s mood. Perfume not only make you smell good but it also reflects your personality. It relieves stress by calming your nerves. It can boost your mood and make you feel more sensual. It can be the first thing noticed on you or the last thing remembered.
Perfume completes your look. It should be use daily as a part of your routine. It is something personal. It reacts differently on individual skin, therefore, it is important that you choose the right fragrance for you.
Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oil and aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body pleasant smell. Some of the popular scents used in perfume are:
Flowers and blossom: is the largest source of aromatics. It includes rose, lavender, jasmine and some blossoms from citrus tree.
Fruity, citrus and spicy: fresh fruits such as apple, strawberries and cherries. They don’t really yield the expected odors. If these fragrances are in the bottle, they are synthetic. Grapefruit, oranges, lemon, lime and citrus are the most common fruits that yields aromatics.
Musk and pheromones: an animal source from musk deer, it has now been replaced by the use of synthetic musk due to its price and various ethical issues.
Classic woodsy scent – It provides a base note to the perfume. Most commonly used wood includes sandalwood, rosewood, birch, cedar and pine.
Fragrance Tips:
1. When buying a perfume, do not try more than 3 perfumes at once. It will decrease your nose ability to tell the difference. Apply the perfume to you skin, on your pulse. You can get the true reaction of the fragrance from your skin and not from the bottle.
2. When applying perfume, apply it on your pulse, behind the neck and let it dry naturally. The heat of your body will react with the scent and it will give a delightful smell. Remember whatever you type of fragrance you use, just don’t over do it!
3. Do not put perfume directly on fabrics and jewelry. They can cause stains and discolorations on your clothes.
4. Avoid wearing strong perfume at work or in the office. Some people are allergic to strong smell and it causes headache and sometimes asthma attack.
5. When storing your perfume. Keep the bottle tightly capped in upright position. It can turn rancid or evaporate if not capped tightly. It should be keep in a in a cool dark area, away from the sun preferably in the box. A cool dark place will prolong the life of your perfume.
*Smell Good and Feel Good*