Pakistonomy – Episode 04 – Atif Mian

Pakistonomy - Episode 04 - Atif Mian

Pakistonomy - Episode 04 - Atif Mian
In Episode 04, Uzair speaks with Dr. Atif Mian about why Pakistan keeps going back to the IMF, why the country’s economy keeps going from one crisis to another, and what he would do if he was the economic czar in the country.

same told by AAZ in his Parliament speech in 2019 ” choose between NAB or Economic Progress”

Loved this

1:01:00 was heartbreaking. It’s out loss if people like Atif Mian can’t play a bigger role in Pakistan because of their personal beliefs.

Comment by Doctr


Thank you! Interesting and significant discussion.

Allow for critical thinking – strong need, highlighted by Pervez Hoodhboy

Domestic Productivity needs to go up. Need the right people attracted to the country for it.

Absolutely loved the conversation…

what is the last book name on Korea economy

Excellent talk. I completely agree with Sir Atif mian.

Very good interview. Though I think lack of or bad decision making is not a problem but symptom. In my humble opionion, The real problem, which was discussed briefly in this program is – no one in control.

I think there needs to be correction here. You guys might be misunderstanding these dollar denominated returns being given to IPPs. By dollar denomination it meant that certain components of the Capacity rate was indexed on the dollar exchange rate but was all paid in Rupees. So it doesn’t impact our current account

In 90’s the dollar and IPPs policy was taken with what assumption and what alternatives we had at that time? Secondly what leads to those decisions? Mahbe poor decisions making in 80s?

Your work is appreicated, Uzair. One small request/suggestion. Too long, the discourse on the economy in Pakistan has been limited to english newspaper op-eds and academic spaces of private univeristies. I think there is tremendous space and need to translate and discuss the country’s economic policies in a manner and language that may reach a much wider audience. To this end, if possible, consider conducting some podcasts in Urdu. As Dr. Mian said, there should be no policy without debate, and the debate and discussion must be accessible to the broader public in Pakistan. Looking forward.

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