Dwyane Johnson sustains elbow injury on set of 'The Smashing Machine'

Dwyane Johnson sustains elbow injury on set of 'The Smashing Machine'

Dwyane Johnson injured on‘The Smashing Machine’ set

Dwyane Johnson aka The Rock doesn’t seem to despise pain.

Johnson seems to have gotten “smashed up” pretty nasty, sustaining an injury to his right elbow on the set of his upcoming movie The Smashing Machine, the actor shared on Instagram on Tuesday.

“As you guys know, I’m filming a movie called The Smashing Machine,” said Joidhnson in a post made to Instagram lately, “and anytime your film is called The Smashing Machine, well, you’re kind of going to get smashed up.”

“Look at that sucker right there,” he continued, pointing out the swollen area on his elbow. 

“It looks like I have a cantaloupe in the bottom of my elbow. I got banged up pretty good today in our scenes, and there might be some soft tissue damage in there.”

Johnson informed the fans that there’s “a lot of fluid” in his elbow right now, which will have to be removed before he can get “any kind of MRI.”

“The pain feels pretty good, but all good. It is what it is until it isn’t,” he shared.

“I remember my old man used to say, god rest his soul, ‘The Soulman’, he was an old-school pro wrestler, old-school bodybuilder, he always used to say, ‘A day without pain is like a day without sunshine, boy,” Johnson said with a laugh.

The former WWE star also asked his fans and followers for “any advanced advice” they can share about “some great anti-inflammatories,” before trying his favourite anti-inflammatory, his tequila, Teremana.

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