5 Things Women Do Better Than Men


71% of children are killed by their mothers. Women are not the angelic creatures that people think they are. Women kill more children than men do, by a considerable margin.


Below are 5 more things that women do better than men.

Gang Rape: In 2010, the Center for Disease Control asked young men and women about sexual violence and 1 in 39 men admitted to taking part in a gang rape. 1 in 5 women said they took part in a gang rape, and no, not as victims. As perpetrators . Men and women carry out pretty much equal levels of sexual violence by the age of 18, but it looks like men have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to raping in a pack.

Stalk, Attack And Psychologically Abuse A Partner: When criminologists as the University of Florida asked students about their relationship behaviors, they discovered that women were more likely to stalk, attack and psychologically abuse their partners than men. 32% of women admitted to physical violence against their partners, while just 24% of men reported the same. 58% of all the stalkers were women. Women are definitely stepping up their domestic violence game.

Cheat On A Partner: In a survey of 3000 people, 25% of women agreed they would be DTF if a new guy caught their eye. Just 9% of men agreed they would cheat on their partners. Could be that men just say one thing and do another, or it could be that a quarter of women think they’re excellent liars. Either way, that’s a lot of women ready to drop thongs for a new man.

Beat Children: According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, women are more likely to abuse children than men. In Australia, “mothers carried out almost 68 per cent of cases of emotional and psychological abuse committed by parents, about 53 per cent of physical abuse and more than 94 per cent of neglect cases.” If you ever find yourself asking why there are so many violent people out there, you might want to start by looking at all those women beating up little children.

Drug Abuse: According to the Center for Disease Control, one out of every three women aged 15-44 filled a prescription for narcotics in any given year. That is a lot of drugs, ladies. Women are 50% more likely than men to leave their doctor’s office clutching a little bag of legal drugs than men, even when they have the same condition. Popping oxycontin is classier than shooting heroin, but just as dangerous. Women are outpacing men in the percentage increases in deaths from overdosing on prescription medication.

Source: Buzz Feed

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