Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

DEMP holds exhibition on Iqbal Day

IN an era overshadowed by the persistent threats of extremism and terrorism, Pakistan has initiated Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, an ambitious endeavour aimed at completely eradicating these issues. This multifaceted operation seeks to enhance regional cooperation in political and diplomatic realms while concurrently coordinating efforts across various fronts to address both current manifestations and underlying causes of extremism and terrorism.

The armed forces’ intensified efforts under Operation Azm-e-Istehkam are reinforced by full support from pertinent law enforcement authorities. Through collaborative endeavours, the objective is to strengthen the rule of law and effectively counter any challenges to the state’s authority. However, the success of this endeavor hinges significantly on the engagement of both the military and the local populace, who bear the brunt of its consequences.

Simultaneously, legislative reforms are being pursued to rectify existing legal loopholes and impose stringent penalties on perpetrators of terrorism. These measures aim to ensure swift and just punishment for terrorism-related incidents, including expedited trial procedures.

Complementing these security measures are socio-economic initiatives aimed at addressing underlying societal issues. Efforts to foster a culture that discourages extremism and promotes community resilience include enhancing educational programs and creating employment opportunities. These actions are crucial for long-term peace and stability.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam also underscores the importance of regional collaboration. Pakistan is actively working to forge a united front against extremism and terrorism through diplomatic engagement and coordination with neighboring governments. This strategic alignment is imperative given the multinational nature of contemporary security challenges.

Central to the success of Operation Azm-e-Istehkam is a people-centered approach. Building trust and reducing fear among local communities through transparent communication is essential. Precision in operations, based on reliable intelligence, is vital to minimizing collateral damage and ensuring civilian safety. Moreover, establishing support systems for affected communities, including temporary shelters, medical aid, and psychological support, is critical for maintaining public support and addressing humanitarian needs.

Inclusive governance is another key component, ensuring that community representatives and local leaders are involved in decision-making processes. Their insights are crucial for crafting effective and sensitive solutions tailored to local challenges. Robust mechanisms for oversight and accountability are essential to uphold discipline and safeguard human rights, thereby maintaining integrity and community trust.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam represents a comprehensive approach to combating terrorism and extremism in Pakistan, addressing both immediate threats and underlying causes. Success hinges on effective community engagement, adherence to justice and human rights principles, and strategic reforms. Pakistan is poised to overcome these challenges, ensuring its continued security and prosperity through aligned strategies, legislative reforms and socio-economic measures.

The writer is associated with the National Defence University, Islamabad

([email protected])


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